Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wardrobe pics and other updates

First the wardrobes - this shows the fit out.

As you can see, removing the shelf created damage.

With the bulkhead, it obstructs the top 30cm or so, so the wardrobe man set it up with a narrow top shelf and angled the tops of the inserts so on a step ladder you can squeeze in and get to the top.

Then with the sliding doors done the way they are, on the 1.5m built-ins it means on the half with the shelves/drawers and full length hanging, it is really a waste to have the full length hanging. BUT you can't have the drawers next to the wall as you wouldn't be able to open them. So that's why if I did it again I just wouldn't have the builder do built-ins and just ask for the end wall.

This is one spare room.

And this is the other. The last room is currently being set up as a study and ironing space, but still in progress.

And this is the first night that T-R stayed over. As there is no fence or gates she had to stay indoors overnight. But she whinged being locked in the garage, so I kept her in the hall outside my room and this is where she stayed all night so that I almost fell over her. I miss her but she has to stay at my Nanna's until the yard is done.

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my greenhill slideshow

It's the Brown roof in the middle