Monday, April 12, 2010

Geotech report requested

Last week, just to make things a little more muddy, I received a call from the CSO, apparently considering she's never sent an email or snail mail before. This woman advised me that according to some condition on the title that DA was received subject to compliance with this condition. This condition is that the foundation be built according to a Geotech Report.
What's a Geotech Report? Well buggered if she could tell me except to say that its an assessment of the local conditions and determines how the foundations are prepared. What I found out from the WWW is 'the geotechnical report is the tool used to communicate the site conditions and design and construction recommendations'. So now with both explanations in hand I understand better what she meant. And the only thing I can gather is the reason why it is needed is because that is what is said on the conditions of title.
What the CSO did say is that Council will probably allow access to read only but that makes it difficult as the Engineer won't have it on hand when designing the foundations. Council will apparently claim something under the privacy legislation to prevent a photocopy being taken, as the GR is submitted with the application for subdivision but it has something to do with limiting their liability if the GR is relied upon. And yes well of course it will be relied upon, that is the whole point of this exercise.
So I decided not to call Council and just circumvent the middleman as much as possible and I call Mirvac. Mirvac is happy to give us one, when they receive a written request from my Solicitor to theirs. Right, so I get to fork out probably another $50 for my Solicitor's assistant to write up something to the effect of "My client purchased land from you and in order to commence building needs the Geotech Report as submitted to council and referred to under Condition 3 of the title. My client has been unable to procure a copy of said report from Council. We request that you please forward said report urgently. Regards, etc."
Genius, couldn't be happier. So another week has passed since DA received and now we are waiting on the GR, and then it will still be a week or so to the Engineer's report is ready then another week for the Construction Certificate. Awesome...


  1. Hi, noticed on homeone and your blog that you are building on Spring Farm. Are you building in Greenhill Street? As my partner and I too as well, just checking out potential neighbours.

  2. Hi Arselle. I didn't get an email to let me know I received a comment. Sorry for the delay. Yes Greenhill it is! Look forward to meeting you.


my greenhill slideshow

It's the Brown roof in the middle