Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Saga of the Dirt continues

So after some nice tradies got back to my online queries at about 7am this morning I anxiously waited all day to hear back from Allworth after I emailed some pictures and a request for the land to be leveled last night. Well about 2pm I called the Construction Clerk and she said it had been handed on to the Construction Manager and SS and to wait to hear from either of them. After waiting some more it turned 430pm and so I called the SS.

Long story short he says its clay and not worth leveling and Allworth aren't going to level it.

I disputed this as what little I know of laying turf is if you try to smooth it over using the underlay then when you walk on it you'll easily know where all the ruts are as soon as you step in them as you'll likely break an ankle. This is because the underlay is pliable and gives underfoot. So even though clay isn't ideal I can work with this by throwing gypsum around over the next few months to give it time to be worked in and break down the clay, but it will still provide a firm base for the underlay. Ergo I want it leveled out some.

Monday 7am a guy will do it. He's charging $350 for the bobcat and he will level it. Then $350 for every load taken away, approx. 1-2. This fee seems on par for all earthmovers. I found them all on the Fairfax Classifieds online, which was good as you can search for all trades and services advertised in their large NSW publications as well as the local newspapers.

Now I come to think of it I might run around the block with some gypsum this weekend.

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my greenhill slideshow

It's the Brown roof in the middle