Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Allworth can go jump off a cliff!

Seriously sick of the attitude of this company. Have been trying to contact SS2 as he is apparently back from sick leave. Nope, not happening as the answering service isn't switched on and no one picks up during his office hours, which are a brief couple of hours leading up to 5pm. So call I Building Manager, rude, rude, rude. Because the front of the house and the laundry entrance will need stairs and the letterbox is going to be bricked in I ask can the left overs be moved behind the house into the alfresco so they don't get stolen. THEY AREN'T YOURS, THEY BELONG TO US is the reply. I should have hung up, but didn't. So he is going to find out, but as far as he knows the answer will be no.

I also ask when SS2 will be back on the job. He is apparently, so I inform BM of the ongoing problem in contacting him. He's going to ask him to get on to me.

If this rubbish keeps going on I'll be making complaints left, right and centre, rude excuse of a man to talk to a woman like that.

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my greenhill slideshow

It's the Brown roof in the middle