Friday, August 20, 2010

Allworth want an extension

Allworth wrote advising that due to the rain they are entitled to extend the contract by one week. I have emailed back saying this is not accepted as they commenced building two weeks earlier than planned and therefore have 17 weeks to complete instead of the usual 15 weeks, an therefore an extra week is not reasonable.

Also since I go out there so frequently I agree they lost a few days but not 7 days to the rain, and since I am satisfied that progress is proceeding at a normal rate based on what I read from other Bloggers, I disagree with them that they need an extension.

In the email also complained that SS2 is not answering phone during his office hours and not leaving his answering service on so I haven't had contact in a week, and therefore had to let them know in the email that I have organised an independent inspection for progress and PCI checks.

Just to try my luck I also sought permission to lay concrete in the driveway and entertainment area and then retain the backyard after the security fence comes down, but before PCI as the remaining vacant block to the rear is now the only easy access to the yard.

Drove past tonight after TAFE and the long bedroom wall and the rear wall is about 3/4 bricked up, so really can't figure why they need another week. I'm thinking at this speed end of next week the bricks will be finished.

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