Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PCI set for Monday 18 October!

The practical completion inspection has been set for Monday lunchtime. The specific time is in flux as my independent inspector arranges a convenient appointment with the SS.

Conversation with BM yesterday revealed that SS was asked to make contact at least once at the end of last week and then again this week, so I hope Allworth does something to establish a better culture of communication amongst its team.

Good news however is that this is the home stretch and pending CBA completing an inspection as soon as is humanly possible, i.e. this week, and the payment goes through on or by Monday, the house keys may be handed over at Monday's inspection. Allworth would remedy any defects in the coming week but this would allow the floors to be laid as soon as possible. Otherwise handover is likely to be Wednesday afternoon.


my greenhill slideshow

It's the Brown roof in the middle